DASH Industry Forum Best PhD Dissertation Award
DASH Industry Forum calls for nominations for the “Best PhD Dissertation Award on Algorithms and Protocols for Adaptive Content Delivery over the Internet.” The deadline for nominations is June 1st, 2019. The winner will be awarded $500.
The winner is chosen by a DASH Industry Forum appointed committee. All dissertations within the scope that have been successfully defended during the three calendar years prior to the nomination deadline are eligible for consideration. Dissertations must be written in English.
How to enter:
The member student’s advisor or the scholar most familiar with the student’s research must send the nomination. Nominations must be sent via email to Christian Timmerer with the title “Dissertation Award Nomination” in the subject line. The deadline for the submission is June 1st, 2019.
The nomination letter should be written in English and it should include the following information:
- The title and abstract of the dissertation
- The name of the candidate and his/her primary advisor
- The name of the institution where the dissertation was defended
- The date of the dissertation defense
- A two page summary of the significance of the dissertation research that explains the precise nature and merits of the work
- An electronic copy of the full dissertation in pdf format
- A list of publications produced from the dissertation work